93 Meath St.
Dublin 8
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Contact Person: Mike Haslam 01- 4005790
Solearth is an ecological architecture practice founded in 1998 and based in Dublin. Their range of work is from domestic to medium scale. Solearth is about regenerating the environment through design and addressing urban problems . Their work uses ecological design to arrive at solutions that are mutually beneficial to the client, user and the environment. Solearth aims to provide beautiful high performance, low impact, solutions to architectural, planning and process problems and undertakes to regenerate the environment and its natural processes whilst providing a modern human habitat.
Solearth is located in their self designed low energy Daintree Building. Paper use is minimised, re-use of paper in-house is maximised. Plastics, paper, card-board, cartridges, glass are all collected for recycling. An office compost system deals with compostable matter. The office utilises as much as possible healthy, low-embodied energy materials and re-used articles in its projects. Journeys within Dublin City are made by bicycle. All other journeys use public transport as a preference. Carbon off-setting is used for any longer journeys.