Greenhus Ltd

Dromforde Dromourneen
Bantry, Co Cork
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Contact Person: Bill Hatchett +353-27-55922

Greenhus builds passive and low energy buildings using the Swedish-engineered EKOMER closed-panel system.  We now fabricate in Ireland under Swedish supervision from Karlsonhus.  Greenhus is an Irish family company.  Greenhus can be carbon neutral in construction and they build some of the most sustainable and lowest energy and cost effective buildings available in Ireland.  

We use recycled and fully sustainable materials throughout their buildings.  We build healthy houses; healthy because they use minimal chemicals in the construction and healthy because their houses are good to live in,  no damp, no mold, no spores .  We have a policy of managing recycled materials of the building sites and any waste timber is used to heat their offices. 

Greenhus building principles include: 

  •     Use as little as possible of the world's non sustainable resources.
  •     Use as little man made materials as possible.
  •     Use materials that promote biodiversity.
  •     Use recyclable materials as much as possible.

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63 Lower Mount St

Dublin 2


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