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ÉASCA was formed to promote and facilitate positive change in order to mainstream sustainable building practices in Ireland. ÉASCA launched its membership scheme at the end of 2006. ÉASCA is now based in the Cultivate Centre in Dublin's Temple Bar and is partnered with Construct Ireland, Ireland's leading sustainable building magazine.

ÉASCA membership and benefits:

By associating with others involved in sustainable building through membership, members are generating a new, strong and common voice for sustainable building in Ireland. By linking together and accepting common criteria for standards and peer-review, members are moving forward the agenda for sustainable construction in Ireland. ÉASCA offers 2 levels of membership; an individual non-assessed membership for the general public and a company level membership.

Benefits of membership include:

Individual level:

-Subscription to Construct Ireland
-Discounts on entry to courses, conferences and other ÉASCA events
-An information and referral service.

Company level:

-Use of the ÉASCA membership logo on all stationary, advertising, literature, websites etc.
-Subscriptions to Construct Ireland*
-2.5% Discount on advertising with Construct Ireland
-Optional Company Feature in the ÉASCA pages of Construct Ireland
-Discounts on entry to courses, conferences and other ÉASCA events*
-Listing on our website

*(small companies can have up to five entrants discounted/copies of magazine, medium companies ten and large companies twenty)

Furthermore, members can avail of discounts provided by other ÉASCA members, thus mutually reinforcing the sustainable construction industry and community. Also in development are a building enquiry and information service, designed to put members in touch with potential clients / customers and a member’s forum, where ÉASCA members can network, discuss issues, and seek information from other ÉASCA members…such as the availability of certain materials and services, the possibility of group purchasing and so on.

Membership assessment:

Company Membership of ÉASCA is assessed on the basis of a member's commitment to achieving sustainable building practices and the practical steps they are taking to realise that commitment and by using the principles laid down in the ÉASCA charter as a benchmark.


The ÉASCA Charter:

By joining ÉASCA, members are expected to commit, where applicable, to:

• Build today without compromising the needs of tomorrow.

• Achieve best practice standards in their own field.

• Aspire to provide for products/services/building works to be carbon neutral or zero carbon and zero waste.

• Ensure high levels of energy efficiency are incorporated into all works and in particular:

All building, where possible, should follow the principle of low impact and high performance design, improving the efficiency of the whole building and minimising energy loss through high levels of thermal insulation, following bio-climatic principles of solar orientation and compactness in order to gain a useful percentage of passive solar heating contribution, efficient electrical appliances and maximising day lighting and the use of active renewable energy where appropriate.

• Acknowledge that waste reduction, reuse and recycling are core design principles that all members are absolutely expected to implement.

• Be aware of environmental impact data, such as carbon and other emissions during manufacture/construction/use and miles travelled and aim to ensure these are kept to a minimum or eliminated altogether.

• Address water management:

Ensure that potable water consumption is minimised to drinking and washing purposes only, meeting other water needs through harvested rainwater and grey water for toilet flushing and irrigation, etc. Wastewater treatment should be primarily close to source and/or onsite with preference given to biological based systems. Applying the principle of reduction, reuse and recycling to water use is again a core principle for ÉASCA members.

• Ensure that the embodied energy of materials will be taken into consideration in the choice/manufacture/construction of all products and building works. Members should, where possible, prioritise locally sourced materials of a low-embodied energy and use intelligent systems to ensure proper planning and dimensioning of materials to reduce on-site wastage.

• Pay special attention to integrating building works into transport networks and local community facilities so as to ensure that the long term legacy of the works remains sustainable.

• Consider fully the environmental impact of products, services and building work and strive to do no harm to biodiversity and local ecosystems.

• Participate as a member in the well-being of the association as a whole where possible, through cooperating with other ÉASCA members, offering reciprocal benefits, services & discounts and supporting ÉASCA events.

ÉASCA also calls on members to review their own personal and business practices and apply the principles of reduction, reuse, recycling and sustainability to all aspects of their activities.


How to Join?

For full details download the membership application pack HERE

Alternatively, you can contact us at the address below and we will send you out a copy of the application form. Membership is subject to terms and conditions.

*Please note: Membership is currently only available to companies with active Republic of Ireland current bank accounts.*

Membership Fees:

Individual Level:

Individual Membership      €5/month


Company Level:

Small Company      (Up to €1m/annum turnover)      €40/month

Medium Company   (€1m-€5m/annum turnover)       €80/month

Large Company      (Over €5m/annum turnover)       €160/month


Regular Giving:
ÉASCA depends entirely on the membership fees paid by our members, which is crucial to maintaining our independence and impartiality. We ask that members pay through a regular subscription, so that they not only get the convenience of a more manageable monthly amount and no need to renew annually, but we are enabled to plan and budget in advance with a regular and predictable income stream. ÉASCA would like to thank all its members for their support.

If you would like further information, or wish to be sent a membership application form, contact us at:


Cultivate Living and Learning Centre,
15-19 Essex street west,
Temple Bar,
Dublin 8


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